Saturday, April 09, 2005

Busy, busy, busy. That's the story of my life lately.

Last Thursday a friend and I went to the old city in Tripoli. We had discovered that there was an old madrassa - a Koranic school that was used hundreds of years ago that was going to be renovated. The caretaker of the area was nice enough to let us in so I could take some pictures before the renovation work begins. That way, I can get some before and after pictures of the site.

It was in a pretty bad state and it had a second floor, but we stayed downstairs as we weren't sure how safe it would be to venture up there. Everything is cracked and crumbling.

It was early in the morning and the sunlight was soft and warm. The scene was quiet and peaceful. Even in its current state of disrepair the site has a beautiful picturesque quality to it. Whenever I visit places like this I always feel as though there are some kinds of spirits surrounding the scene - it's hard to describe. But it's a feeling as though there are others quietly watching you, but not in a creepy kind of way. Just a feeling you are not alone.

I'm looking forward to what it will look like after renovations finish - as with most things that happen in this part of the world; don't expect it to happen quickly. It will probably take them what will seem like forever to get the project underway and completed.

Friday - yesterday, was spent with friends in Regaat. On the way there I took a picture of a field full of yellow wildflowers with Bates Mountain in the background. We had a picnic - food was wonderful as usual. After lunch the ladies all sat and enjoyed the view of Bates Mountain while the rest of the party hiked up the mountain. You couldn't ask for better weather! I haven't had such a restful day in a long time. I usually do the hike up the mountain but this time I decided just to sit at its base and soak up the view.

Yusef came back from a hike and said he had disturbed a fox. He said it bounded down the mountain and he said he saw a hawk too. In the afternoon he caught a skink and put it in a jar so we could look at it up close. It had dropped its tail trying to escape.

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